New OpenSSL bugs are found in numbers: bad or good?
OpenSSL reported six new vulnerabilities just eight weeks after Heartbleed. Does it mean that OpenSSL is heading for a disaster, or is it on its way to healing?
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OpenSSL reported six new vulnerabilities just eight weeks after Heartbleed. Does it mean that OpenSSL is heading for a disaster, or is it on its way to healing?
Many Internet-connected smart home systems contain vulnerabilities that could expose the owners of those systems to physical and digital theft.
Top Apps to protect you from prying eyes, mischievous kids, thieves, natural disasters, forgetfulness and of course malware.
Today, regular instant messengers are hard to trust when it comes to privacy. There are, of course, safer alternatives, but are they able to substitute Skype and WhatsApp?
We put too much trust in the Internet. And we need to understand that security products and solutions should compliment a secure mindset.
Headlines dominated by just two stories this week: a seriously widespread crypto bug known as Heartbleed and Microsoft’s end of security support for Windows XP
Cryptographic hash functions are a ubiquitous tool in computing, used for everything from identity verification to malware detection to file protection.
There is a serious flaw called Heartbleed in OpenSSL encryption library that could expose user login credentials, communications content, an more
The Problem At present, even very small companies store information that could cause irreparable damage to their financial future if it fell into the wrong hands. An example of this
Strongly encrypted communications are secure and private communications (as long as there is no monkey-business going on in the way the encryption is implemented into communications software or protocols). Therefore,
Nowadays, quantum systems really do exist, with some of them reaching the stage of commercial sales. Quantum computers raise and answer new questions in the security field.
Google provides some pretty strong security controls like two-factor authentication in order to prevent hackers from hijacking your account and other controls that allow you to recover your account in
Computers, initially created for military cipher breaking, give everyone an almost perfect way to keep our secrets totally private – through encryption. For a long time strong encryption was only
If we really wanted to thoroughly discuss ‘HTTPS’ and Digital Certificates, then we’d need to talk about cryptography, but don’t worry, because we’re going to go ahead and spare you
The first encryption methods appeared almost immediately after the emergence of writing. Ancient masters of cryptography deliberately missed out letters or substituted them with other symbols in their messages to