Why BlueTermite should draw a lot of attention
The BlueTermite APT campaign is rather new and extremely persistent. Here’s why.
12 articles
The BlueTermite APT campaign is rather new and extremely persistent. Here’s why.
Kaspersky Lab recently released the list of its newly received patents on both sides of the Pacific. We take a look at a few of them.
With an increasing amount of people using mobile devices for work, security of the data stored therein has become a hot topic. And since people also use mobile devices to access their finances, that makes them a prime target for cybercriminals. Android is the most popular mobile OS in the world right now, and the most targeted. How are users attacked and what is the current security status of Android?
Yet another Duke APT is hitting high-profile targets, including the US government office. This time it’s CozyDuke (also known as CozyBear, CozyCar or “Office Monkeys”, in honour of the video it employs as a decoy).
We are now halfway through the first day of Kaspersky Lab’s Security Analyst Summit, a security conference taking place in Cancun, Mexico.
Kaspersky Lab has just released its forecast of digital realities for 2045. Big changes are anticipated for the entire IT world and businesses. Security challenges will change as well.
Cryptolocker is still making the rounds, even though its peak seems to have passed. Or is it just an illusion? How does it affect businesses? Read some real stories and explanations in the new blogpost at Kaspersky Business.
2014 is over, as are the holidays. Time to look back at the business security highlights of past the year.
Some things we routinely do in the office are dangerous for careers as they pose significant risk to the company’s business. It’s equally relevant for CEO and intern alike, so watch out!
The virtual environment requires the same protection as physical PCs, but the approach should be different. Full blown security solutions on every virtual machine? The strain for a physical server would be too great. But here comes ‘Light-Agent’…
Kaspersky Lab has announced its latest virtualization security solution, Kaspersky Security for Virtualization | Light Agent, which delivers advanced protection to the VMware, Citrix, Microsoft virtualization platforms. The most important
How well do you know computers? Or, let’s say, microwave ovens? Smartphones or cars? When it comes to answering any of these questions, there can be many different points of