Android under attacks: old vulnerabilities, present threats
The late April was especially “rich” with news related to bugs, attacks and Android-targeting malware.
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The late April was especially “rich” with news related to bugs, attacks and Android-targeting malware.
An update to RannohDecryptor now allows to beat a newer version of CryptXXX too.
Gartner’s Magic Quadrant is a tool that helps to choose which vendor fits organizations best for a particular business purpose. It is designed for CIO’s, decision makers, and IT-security specialists of the businesses.
A new APT group is seen to have been exploiting hotpatching, a now-deprecated feature in Windows operating systems, to carry out their attacks.
Locky and Petya ransomware strains took the world by storm when they shouldn’t be successful at all.
Securelist has released a new report on DDoS attacks in the first quarter of 2016.
Instead of writing their own malicious tools, criminals are increasingly using the off-the-shelf malware, and more and more often – totally legitimate software.
Remember the beginning of Terminator 2: The Judgement Day where John Connor is shown hacking an ATM with an Atari Portfolio?
Ransomware is mostly the end-user problem. However, businesses get hit too, and hit hard, especially the smaller ones.
A new strain of ransomware targets servers which is, mildly put, a troubling development.
Yet another ZeuS variant is threatening businesses.
It’s not common that the ransomware criminals can be outsmarted. But sometimes they can be.
Users also want and expect access to data 24/7, with no barriers or lag times.
Kaspersky Lab has developed a new solution to provide industrial cybersecurity – Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity.
Cryptomalware can infiltrate and encrypt an entire network – including its backups – within minutes.
Kaspersky Lab strives for efficient protection and to regularly improve our technology. One of the recent changes affected Kaspersky Security for Virtualization | Light Agent, our security solution for virtual environments. Now it supports one more virtualization platform – Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM).
Kaspersky Small Office Security achieves best results in AV-TEST’s latest testing rounds of Windows 10 compatible corporate products.
As the criminals join forces “intercontinentally” to improve their crimeware together, businesses and LEAs should work together as well. Cybersecurity is everybody’s business – today more, perhaps, than ever.
88% of companies are willing to pay extra in order to work with a bank that has a strong security policy and a good security track record, new survey by Kaspersky Lab shows.
How you can prevent Ransomware on your file share with Kaspersky Lab enterprise solutions.
This year is the 120th since the invention of a tin foil hat – simple to produce and very efficient information security tool, preventing those warping and state-altering attacks targeted at our minds.