How Internet ads work, part 3: tracking users
The tracking tools used by digital marketers are so ubiquitous that it’s really hard to avoid mass Web surveillance. However, our Private Browsing can help you protect your privacy.
5 articles
The tracking tools used by digital marketers are so ubiquitous that it’s really hard to avoid mass Web surveillance. However, our Private Browsing can help you protect your privacy.
We continue our series on the mechanics of Internet advertising. This time we will focus on the the various types of ads and how, precisely, they work.
Digital advertising brings money to companies and relevant ads to you and me — and attracts fraud. How does it all work?
Do you know how many companies are actually tracking you when you visit a single website? The answer may surprise you.
In this post we explain, what’s new in the latest update of the Private Browsing tool and how to use it.